
Monday, December 13, 2010

More photos from the job

This is my favorite decor in the school. Our director told us, "very expensive".

The library. Mom, you would be impressed with the book selection.

Our directors are concerned with the cleanliness of the floors so they make us wear specific SLP slippers. Women wear black, men brown, and the students have bright colored slippers. My feet are too large to fit into the black ones... oh the tragedy of being a big-footed American.
Teacher Grace

3rd floor receptionist, Shirley
2nd floor receptionist, Jenny


  1. those shoes really make me laugh. good thing your face is beautiful enough to counteract how awful those are :)

  2. Hey, most of us North American gals have big feet, but with our height the proportions is good.

  3. I spent about 5 minutes staring at the photo of your "favorite decor" before i realized what it was. my thought process: "oh ok, wait why is this her favorite?.....colors?...font?...oh, USA!...oh wait it's a map of the world!!!...wait, why do they have CA (california) way up top?....oh, that's canada..."NADA" what the heck is that supposed to be?....USA-NADA-USA-ME.....USA-NADA-USA-ME....ohhhh!!! 'NADA' IS PART OF THE CANADA!! OK SO THE FIRST USA IS ALASKA!! I get it now :) yeah, i like it too :)

  4. Hello!!! My boyfriend and I are about to interview to work at SLP and would love to talk to you about your experience if you are willing!!! If you are, please feel free to email me at Thanks!!!!


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