I decided it's time for a confession.
I'm addicted to Korean face masks.
I love them so much. I have started a collection for when I return home, I never want to go without.
So, what are these masks?
They are a popular facial product here in Korea. Each mask has a specific purpose- be it hydrating, toning, firming, shrinking pores, healing acne, or rejuvenating your face.
They are made from cotton(?) and soaked in oils. You can find them at any cosmetic store in Korea.
They usually cost about $1.00 each.
So, exactly how do they work?
First, make sure your face is squeaky clean (I like to use them after a shower).
Grab the slimy cotton wad out of the package and gently separate it to look like this:
It looks creepy, I know, but it smells amazing.
Then, put it all up on your face.
You know this is going to be good...
Just be cautious of who sees you around the house, they may think you're about to rob a bank.
Keep it on for 15~20 minutes.
When I take mine off there's some oils left on my face, so I just rub it in.
I use them once a week, but I heard some people use them every other day. Either way, I really like how it makes my skin feel.
What do you think? Do you want some?
Do they have the apple kind? Yes, send a case home.
I do! I'm also setting that picture as your picture in my phone.
Yes! i liked the ones you gave me at christmas. id love a variety of different kinds. thanks, ash :)