
Sunday, November 11, 2012

빼빼로 Day.

November 11th.
In the Commonwealth countries, it's Remembrance Day.
In Korea, it's Pepero Day. 11/11 looks like four Pepero sticks.

A holiday similar to Valentine's Day, Pepero Day was created by Lotte- the giant retailer in Korea. On Pepero Day you buy boxes of Pepero's and give them to your friends, coteachers, principal. And then you give yourself seven boxes, because you deserve it.

And then you eat all seven boxes, because it's Pepero Day.

And then you remember that you didn't get your boyfriend any, and you feel bad. So, you go to the nearest mart.

But you get distracted on how cute their Pepero display is. 

And then you get hungry looking at all the adorable heart creations.
So you buy a box of almond Pepero's, because they're your favorite.
And then you eat them all.

Then you realize you still don't have anything for your boyfriend. So, you just give him a kiss, because that's kind of like a Pepero. But not really, because Pepero's are much more delicious..... but don't tell him that.

Happy Pepero Day, my lovelies!

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