The 11th month mark has arrived.
It's incredible how fast time has gone.
This past month has been very fun. I've been spending more time with my Korean coworkers and been enjoying it immensely. My co teacher, Esther and old-co teacher Mini and I spend Tuesday nights doing "Korean" things, like playing Gostop- tricky Korean card game and dressing me up.....
Mini made us hae mol pa jun- a Korean egg pancake dish. She made it with seafood and kimchi. |
The girls taught me how to play Gostop. I want to be a professional before I leave. |
I've always wanted to wear a Honbok, so Mini let me try on hers. |
It was complicated.... |
Mini bought this Hanbok for her wedding. |
Koreans will wear white wedding gowns for the ceremony and a Hanbok during the traditional passage. |
Red is symbol for healthy fertility in Korea. |
While Skyping with Grandma and Grandpa Dietrich this week, Grandpa asked me what season I'm in and if it's different from home. Korea's seasons are the same as Michigan. It's currently Autumn and the leaves are falling and that crisp smell is in the air.
Halloween is next week! Koreans don't dress up and go trick-or-treating. But we are having a Halloween party at work... I'll be sure to post pictures of my kids. I think I'm going to be a witch. It will be the easiest (and cheapest) to create. There is a party at one of the bars where all the Foreigners will be. It should be fun to walk through the streets being the only ones dressed up for Halloween.
My best Korean friend, Rachel and I have been taking Sunday trips to a Cat Cafe. It's a coffee shop where you can play with cats. It's a very cute place even though I'm not fond of cats. But in Korea, the cats are usually larger than the dogs...
For some reason, the cats loved Rachel's bag. |
Rachel leaves this month... I'm really going to miss her. She was my first and best Korean friend. Bahhh.. don't leave, Rachel!
So, work has been good this month. I try to make the best out of each day. Thankfully, I have great co workers who have made this job bearable. I am so thankful for the friendships I've made here.
My bosses must really care about me though, because they reserved me a 36-hour flight home. It took me 21 to get here the first time. It will now take me 36 to get home. Ughhhhhh... that should be fun.
I took up one of Mom's suggestions for this blog and took pictures of the items on the grocery store shelves. I'll be posting that next.
I wanted to send a very special congratulations to Erin & Ben and Becki & Jeff on their weddings this month. I wished I could have celebrated your special days with you, but know that I was sending prayers your way. I love you all!
That's all for today, folks. Enjoy the season!